hii guys!!
ehhe...i have a lot 2 share with u all....
bnda nea da lma beeya mw share....dari dulu laii....tapi baru skg teringat mw share cuz bnda nea snce sa tbca laii tia pena hilang dari ingatan sa.....
neA bnda pasal satu restaurant yang bertemakan toilet!! gross isn't???
tapi???bila tgk...dya pnya deco yang serba modern siap dgn kmponen tndas yang comei2......dgn eskrim nya yang berbntk najis(fvret shin chan!) fuhh!~~ mang kira amazing la.....kira ble jadi
fevret spot g2 kalo p taiwan.....ehhe....fud??mgkn tia halal la.....so yng mslim myb???x ble p...
nea sa mw share the pctre yang sa dpt from intrnet...kira copy paste g2 la...ehhehe <3 enjoy!very nice kan????there's more!
nice rite!! if ur goin 2 taiwan dun 4get 2 sngah2 dkt tmpt nea!!!!
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